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Wydarzenie promujące wyniki projektu BIG Game

17 grudnia odbyło się w Warszawie wydarzenie promujące wyniki projektu: BIG Game, zorganizowane prze…

Warsztaty testowania gry BIG w Centrum Aktywności Międzypokoleniowej w Warszawie
Gra BIG została przetestowana w Centrum Aktywności Międzypokoleniowej w Warszawie

Polski partner projektu Fundacja Mimo Wieku zorganizowała warsztaty testowania gry BIG wraz z Centru…

BIG Newsletter #1 header
BIG Newsletter #1 (PL)

Pierwszy newsletter projektu BIG w ramach Erasmus+ informujący o postępach projektu i rezultatach, k…

BIG interviews ISIS

BIG interviews ISIS

BIG interviews AFEdemy

BIG interviews AFEdemy

The picture shows a small girl painting on the pavement
Useful inputs to develop the BIG scenarios

Mimo Wieku was assigned to elaborate scenarios for the BIG game in 5 locations involving a father wi…

Workshop rounds in the Netherlands to review scenes in the BIG game

At the Hague University of Applied Sciences a workshop was organized to evaluate and validate two of…

Students involved in gaining insight in experiences of people with dementia and older people with physical impairments

At the Hague University of Applied Sciences students of different backgrounds helped to collect expe…

Information stand age-friendly projects
BIG presented at an information event in Hanau, Germany

BIG was presented at an information event in Hanau, where interested citizens had the chance to get …

BIG game: full speed ahead

The BIG game project started almost a year ago and is right on track to develop the game. The storyb…

2nd round of workshops
BIG aims to promote social inclusion through a virtual game

SHINE 2Europe brought together architects, designers, a hospital administrator and several civil ser…

The kick-off online meeting 2020.DEC.03 (EN)

The BIG project’s kick-off online meeting The BIG project’s kick-off meeting took place …

First round of BIG workshops held in Germany

By Jana Eckert, ISIS On 19 February 2021, the first of two online workshops on game development took…

BIG and Carina speaking
BIG presented in the Interactions Symposium, Portugal

By Carina Dantas, SHINE 2Europe Carina Dantas, from SHINE 2Europe presented BIG to over 200 people a…

Screenshot of the second BIG workshop in Germany
Second online workshop on game development

By Jana Eckert, ISIS On 10 June 2021, the second online workshop on game development took place in G…

Teenagers workshop
SHINE held workshops with teenagers

In SHINE 2Europe, we just held two workshops with teenagers to better understand their needs, in the…