By Jana Eckert, ISIS
On 10 June 2021, the second online workshop on game development took place in Germany. The workshop was conducted by the German project partner ISIS. The aim of the workshop was to examine and discuss ideas for the scenes taking place a bus stop. Among other things, the plausibility of the drafted scenes and possible alternative or additional elements were discussed.

Students, a municipal stakeholder, consultants and a volunteer in the field of age-friendly environments were represented. This allowed a wide range of perspectives to be covered. The participants brought expertise from the following fields to the workshop: social sciences, architecture, housing consultancy, human geography, inclusion, urban development and digitalisation.
One workshop participant also represented the perspective of the adolescent character of the BIG game and was also able to contribute experiences of family carers of people with dementia. An interview with a former family carer took place before the workshop.
In addition to questions about the plausibility of the game’s action and processes, ethical questions were also discussed, which concern, for example, the autonomy and safety of people with dementia.
All in all, a wealth of suggestions for the further development of the BIG game was gathered, which will contribute to increasing the quality of the BIG game.